About Me

 I am a 22 year old female survivor of childhood sexual abuse and I'm trying to heal.  I'm using this blog as my diary. Because I need a place to write about what has happened to me. I was beaten, emotionally abused, molested, and raped. This began before I could talk, and just got more severe as I grew. I am saddened that that little baby was not protected or loved the way she should have been, but I am trying to speak out for her now. What you read wont be pretty but this Is all apart of my journey. I am writing not to horrify readers or to gain sympathy but I am writing to break the silence I was put under. All of us who were abused should stand up and speak about what was done to us. Shedding light on this issue raises awareness, breaks the silence and hopefully one day will help decrease the number of children this happens to.
Some of what you read may be graphic or triggering


  1. everything you post sounds exactly what happened to me (or at least close to it)... My dad <- I cringe at that word...Raped, Molested, Beat, emotionally abused, and Neglected me, from before I could talk until I was 6 years old... (my parents divorced when I was 6 months old. but I had to visit him every four to six weeks, for four weeks...If you need to talk I'm here. If you want to accept my hug, you may, but you don't have to... HUGS

  2. yes I accept hugs! hugs back! Thank you, same to you. I'm a good listener.

    1. Thank you for the hug!are sure it would be okay with you, if I share my story with you?

  3. Of course! email me anytime silverstar415850@yahoo.com :)

    1. Okay, I will E-Mail you :) Thank you... :) I decided to start my own blog/diary... I probably won't E-Mail you until tomorrow, and I Probably won't check/update my blog again until tomorrow. Thank you:) Hugs It is: http://ihatemydaddy.blogspot.com/

    2. I love the title. Ok I will DEF check it out :)

  4. Thank you... I think the title is very well put, and straightforward! :) and okay, I have a little bit updated but I still have more... :)
