Monday, February 13, 2012

I know what your going through

I really hate when people say "I know what your going through". Even In almost identical situations you never completely know what another person is going through because everyone Is affected so differently by the same things. Even more so when the person hasn't dealt with what someone else has In life they can't relate, no matter how much they think they can. You know what I'm going through? Really? Were both of your parents alcoholics? Was your mother a drug addict? Did she die when you needed her? Did your father the person who was sent to care for and love you, sexually and physically abuse you for years while you mother sat by oblivious to it all? Do you suffer from flashbacks and panic attacks regularly? Do you wake up from night mares crying most nights? Does the thought of going to sleep every night make you want to throw up? No? Then you have no idea what I'm going through. But thanks for saying that and further pissing me off.....

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